Aerospace and Defense


 Aerospace and Defense Solutions
Vaughn Associates represents only the best solutions for your Aerospace, marine, or defense application.  From control devices such as joysticks , grips and electronic pedals to pressure transducers, we help you find just the right solution.
Man-Machine Interfaces, Process Measurement and Custom Sensing Solutions Bokam bokamlogo
Combustible Gas Monitors, Toxic Gas Monitors, and Control Systems for Gas Detection Delphian Delphian
Euro-Tech represents unique European-made gauges, tooling products such as arbors, chucks, drills, taps, measurement systems and accessories euro-tech eurotechlogo
Euro-Tech represents unique European-made gauges, tooling products such as arbors, chucks, drills, taps, measurement systems and accessories Instrumented Sensor Technology ISTlogo
Flow measurement and control for liquids and gases, Miniature pneumatic, proportional and liquid control valves, diaphragm pumps, thermal mass flow and electronic pressure controllers, high-precision regulators and rotameters for the Analytical, Industrial, Medical, and Aerospace markets (OEM & End-User) Parker Hannifin
Vibration Measurement & Testing,Noise Measurement & Testing,Vibration Condition Monitoring, and Fatigue & Durability Testing PROSIG ProsigLogo
High quality transducers and instrumentation products RDP Electrosense RDPlogo
Torque, Multiple Axis, Load Cells, Instrumentation Sensor Data sensordatalogo
High Performance Pressure Transducers Spectre Corp

Spectre Corp

Mechanical Vibration Shakers; Vertical, Horizontal, Elliptical DAS4U VT Vibration Monitor, Sweep Controller Shock Machines – Pneumatic and Free Fall Electrodynamic Shaker Peripherals
Shock and Vibration Test Fixtures, More…
VST Corporation VSTlogo
Immediate, Accurate, Easy, Tracable detection of rejected parts Marposs Tecna marposstecnologo